Jan J (3 Apr 2016)
"Mathman - re dreams"


Recently I've been observing and listening to a woman talk about the dreams the Lord gives her. She tells the interpretations of them also.
I find that she is a very humble servant of the Lord and only wants to
do and say what is right, seeking confirmation from God. You may want
to go to her youtube site and check this out since you've mentioned
dreams and the sparrowsbarn site.
I don't know that I've had any recent prophetic dreams, but the Lord
has a way of shining His supernatural light or the light of angels over
my shut eyelids as I'm about to fall asleep.  Last night the light seemed
to move back and forth over my eyelids a few times, but it has happened
when it's like a flashlight suddenly focuses on my eyelids but just momentarily.  Whatever the case, I find it very comforting. When this
began, I sought confirmation in the Bible if this was from God or satan,
and there was a strong confirmation that it was from God.
Jan J