James (17 Apr 2016)
"Gary Rich....Deposit into Eternity"

Mr. Rich, I appreciate your week in and week out reminder about winning Souls for Christ. While reading this week's comments, it made me think about Paul and Joy Hattaway, whom I have the pleasure to call friends. Paul wrote what I believe to be the best book on China that I have ever read, "The Heavenly Man". Their ministry Asia Harvest has been working in the fields for many years. I am enclosing a recent article about India from Paul and Joy. I am looking for the Catching Away of the Body of Christ at any moment!!! But if the Lord Jesus does tarry, and we are Fishing for the Master, look at the opportunity before us. India will soon surpass China as the most populous country on earth, and by all indications revival is stirring. Paul believes that India is where China was twenty years ago? This is a staggering figure, but there are approximately 500 Million children under the age of 15. The Fields are White unto the Harvest. Keep Looking Up, James     
