Gary Rich (3 Apr 2016)
"God wants to Use You"

    What is God Calling you to do with your life that has eternal value ?  You were born to fulfill a divine purpose. When you don't , there are consequences, both here and in eternity. In God's eyes, the most successful person is one who invests the time, talent and treasure he has been given for eternal purposes. One day, your life will be audited, its called The Judgement Seat of Christ. Where eternal rewards will be given out, to be enjoyed for all of eternity in heaven
    Yes I know we all have daily life problems to deal with. Go to work, clean the house, fix the car, mow the lawn, grocery shopping, etc. But getting past our daily earthly responsibilities, we as Christian believers in Jesus Christ also have heavenly responsibilities to complete in our earthly life. God has a divine Calling & Assignment for every Christian. Spend some time asking God what is it He wants you to be doing for Him that will make a lasting difference for all of eternity

    We live in a hurting world today. So many people live their daily lives not knowing that there is a loving Savior named Jesus who wants to be apart of their lives. His grace, love and forgiveness is for everyone. Our Lord just needs willing servants who will tell people that God loves them
    Remember, there are some super cool benefits that come with using your earthly life in serving God. Like having eternal treasure waiting for you in heaven and my favorite - hearing God say to you one day , " Well done thy Good and faithful servant" . Faithful servants standing before the Lord at the Judgement Seat of Christ will hear this wonderful commendation. Since we don't know when the rapture will be, why not start using your life today to make an eternal difference for God's Kingdom !
    have a blessed day,   Gary