Gary Rich (24 Apr 2016)
"What is God Calling you to Do ?"

One of the many promises our Lord gave us in the Bible that I love is Rev 3:20. " Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and be with him ". If you ever wanted just one rock-solid God given promise to hold onto in tough times, this has to be the one
Jesus is giving us His eternal promise that if we will open the door of our hearts to Him, He will come in and be with us. No strings attached, no hidden tricks. Its that simple. For the past 2,000 years Jesus has been knocking on the hearts door of every human being on planet earth. All you have to do to have a eternal friendship with the Creator of the Universe- Jesus Christ is to open your heart up to Him, let Him into your life. Let Jesus be your Savior & Lord
Let Jesus take control of your life. He can do a much better job of planning & runnings our lives than we can. Cause He sees the beginning and the end. Trust Jesus to be the Lord of your life, let Jesus be in control, and see what happens. The Bible says that Jesus has planned our lives out from before we were even born. So try asking God what He wants to do with your life, you may just be amazed and excited at the answer !

have a blessed day,   Gary