Fay (17 Apr 2016)
"What British Muslims REALLY think"

A very good article re a documentary that aired last night ( 13thApril ) titled "What British Muslims really think about Us" ( the so-called infidels. Haha) The answer is horrifying. We are being swamped by a very evil belief system by the Leftie Luvvies who choose to ignore the blatant evil of Sharia law - expecting Christian's to cater to homosexual rights but giving Muslims the all clear to behave whichever way they want. The powers that be want us to be fearful and uncomfortable with each other. The old "Divide and Rule" tactic. They rely on our complacency and (dimming) respect for authority. The end game is clear but most refuse to see it. Blinkers are the order of the day! Read this short article and picture the end result. *SHIVER*