Dear Doves:
There is a debate whether Sanhedrin recognized Jesus as the Messiah or not before they crucified Him.
According to the Parallel of Luke 20:9-16, it's clear that they knew.
How dare they could do it?
It's because they wanted the worldly king so that they could keep wealth and power.
In another words, they were worshipping the idol of Baal.
It's tragic that the chosen people don't see the truth yet after all those years of suffering.
It's more tragic that the majority of Church doesn't learn the lesson from the failure of Israel as worshipping the idol of Baal.
This is why I believe that the erecting temple of Baal in New York, London and othere cities is a very significant sign.
To me, the timing that God allows this rebellion just before Passover is a clear clue warning us that the Judgment will follow soon
to this idol worshipping world including Israel and the corrupted Church.
And it makes sense that the restoration work for Israel resumes from when 69 weeks were completed.
As I wrote in the previous post, this coming Passover is the 14th month(13 months) from the Eclipse which lasted for 4 minutes
and 44 seconds on Passover of 4/4 last year and the 8th month(7 months) from the last Blood Moon of the Tetrad.
Also it's 11th month(10 months) from the reappearance of the Bethlehem Star.
Thus a period of the Unleavened Bread(4/22-23 - 4/28-29) is for a high alert.
No one knows the day or the hour, but we all know it's very close.