Doug L (24 Apr 2016)
"Born Again Christians - Wake up - We are at war!"

Born Again Christians - Wake up - We are at war!
Satan our sworn enemy,  is engaged in the fiercest battle ever for the souls of your husbands, wives, children, friends and community.  He knows he has little time and is very much aware that most christians are being kept too busy,  ignorant of his schemes or the time in which we live, lazy or frightened.  We are targeted as the enemy of his  world and should be numbered in the ranks of God's army. The world is Satan's playground with all it's shinny attractions. It is his kingdom and Christians playing in it at this time should be ashamed. Ashamed that they are participating and if not spectating and encouraging those who are. Repent and seek the Lord while there is still time and choose this day whom you will serve.  If Jesus is your Lord - than serve Him and stop playing christian to the world.  Put on the full armor of God - pull down the strongholds of the enemy in your families, overcome evil with good and expose and destroy the works of darkness - All in the Name of Jesus to the Glory of our Savior and God.