Denis Hart (24 Apr 2016)
"Nations Make a Covenant with the Future"

Nations Make a Covenant with the Future

Daniel 9:27  Then he shall confirm (strengthen) a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week  he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.

Daniel 11:27 (KJV):  And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.

Most Doves will be aware of the historic Climate Change meeting held in New York on the eve of Passover.  The Press Release (excerpts and link below) speaks of a covenant of nations!  This echoes the covenant spoken of in Daniel 9:27.  Furthermore, with the death of (an unusually named) Prince, the signs of the coming of the Antichrist (prince of the covenant) and Jesus the Prince of Peace are getting much stronger.  The timing (eve of Passover) is especially noteworthy.          

Excerpts from United Nations Press Release (22 April 2016 - eve of Passover):

Closing Signature Ceremony for Paris Climate Change Agreement, Secretary-General Says ‘Governments Have Made a Covenant with the Future

Today, the Governments of the world made history - just as they did last December in Paris at COP 21.  With their signatures today, Governments have made a covenant with the future.

Today’s signing is a vote of confidence in a new approach to climate change.  It is imperative this strong political momentum continues to grow.

It has been a long journey to this moment - and that journey still continues.  When I look out at the horizon, I see, more clearly than ever, the outlines of a new and better world

Let us continue to build on the historic progress of today - and move swiftly, with courage and determination, to usher in the new era we know can be ours.

Maranatha!!  Denis