Clay Cantrell (3 Apr 2016)
"UN Resolution 2231, and Revelation 18:12"

Readers - 

I felt inclined to specifically see if there was a tie between UN Resolution 2231 and Bible numbers. 

United Nations Resolution # 2231 is the deal struck with Iran (Persia) to limit their nuclear capabilities in exchange for lifted sanctions. They've since fired ballistic middle tests in violation, specifically threatening Israel.  


There is only one word in the New Testament that has an in-text Greek value of 2231. It is Strong's 5093g "timios" which is translated as "most precious" (honored, esteemed) in this verse: 

Revelation 18:12
"The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious (5093g) wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble," ...

Okay - so, that's the fourth time I've landed in Revelation 18, Babylon the Great. The other three times are found here:

... in last week's post. 

No, I don't think Tehran is this End Time Bablyon. It looks to me that this Revelation 18 last days Babylon is where the United Nations is headquartered, the capitol of the Gentiles. 

Jesus is Lord!