Anthony Mak (3 Apr 2016)
"Proposed "maximum" time line for end of Man's Dominion and the "3rd Day" Coming of Jesus......"

Starting from the birth of Christ around September 11, 3BC......
 1) September 11, 3BC to the Passover between Jesus's 33rd through 331/2 years on earth using only the biblical calendar = Jesus at 33 years old ( 11,880 days old ) and at 331/2 years old ( 12,060 days old ), where the nearest Passover around those 11,880 to 12,060 days is the Passover that falls on 25th April 31AD which is a WEDNESDAY!

2) From 25th April 31AD + 2,000 years ( 720,000 days ) = 8th August 2002 = END OF "2 DAYS" and entering into the "3rd Day" since Christ's crucifixion ( which is when He says He WILL COME )

3) INSIDE the "3rd Day" = 21 biblical years for complete fulfillment including Jacob's 70th week = 8th August + 21 years ( 7,560 days ) = 20th April 2023! LESS the approximate 2520 days to start the 7 years tribulation period = 26th May 2016!

Looks like everything is falling in place again INSIDE the FINAL JUBILEE YEAR and guess what? NO ONE can still know the EXACT DAY and HOUR of His Coming BUT, at the nearest, only a "season" of up to April, May or June 2016 latest, perhaps......WE ARE VERY VERY VERY NEAR TO SEEING JESUS FACE TO FACE!!!