John and Doves,
In the above article, it explains how the original Camp David Peace Accord
of 1979 may have to be ameded because Saudi Arabia wants to change the border line of Egypt.
It also tells how two islands off the coast of Saudi Arabia will be given to Egypt. And also a bridge will be built between Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Anything of that importance will have a great impact on this area, and hence Israel itself.
The next url relates how a military alliance is to be formed between Saudi Arabia and Egypt
The above article tells how Saudi Arabia ( the financial backer of Arab League nations ) wants a JOINT ARMY between Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
And of course a bridge would greatly ease military transport.
The motive is to have solidarity with Sunni Arabs.
Knowing the power of politics, would this military alliance become a threat to Israel ?
Jesus says in Luke 21:20 that when Jerusalem is surrounded by ARMIES,
then they are to know that desolation is near
Lastly, the above article explains clearly the danger of these new initiatives to the Middle East nations and particularly to Israel.
Israel sees the threat to this region as the Saudis are gaining control of the Red Sea. That would give them naval control in the area, and the bridge would give them land control in the area. Too much military control.
Watching to see how all this develops. In Him,
Angela Goodrick