TH (29 Mar 2015)

                         The  NARROW  ROAD

        "And FEW there be that find it."  Well what exactly is the "Narrow Road"?
It is the Direction HE Leads you when you turn ALL of your Decisions over to
HIM. You accept and carry HIS YOKE on this fully committed New Life you will
NOW TRAVEL. HE LEADS and we follow.  It also can be a "short cut" in your
efforts to HEAR HIS VOICE.  Sincere commitment has it's rewards. But remember,
it's NOT what YOU DO, it's what YOU DON'T DO, and that is Decide your own
Direction. Now let's qualify a bit here.  It is the "Major" decisions we're speaking of
here, NOT everyday living functional choices like when and how to "brush your teeth".  YOU make the "Choice" to take HIM up on HIS recommendation to take
HIS YOKE upon your life and then the person who you are right then and there
begins to DIE. YES, you read it right, YOU DIE.  This is your BAPTISM of FIRE.
It is not easy giving up the "Old You". Most people like who they are and it's only
when you draw near to HIM that you realize how truly degenerate you really are in
GOD'S EYES and why the SACRIFICE of HIS SON had to be"POWERFUL" enough
to cancel out all of your wickedness.  We can choose ourselves for this path, because JESUS HIMSELF invites us to do so.  But if it is GOD that chooses you
to be a brotherly (sisterly) gift to HIS SON, your going whether you want to or not.
If you choose NOT to Travel the Narrow Way, yet GOD CHOOSES you, you will come to "True Repentance" on your "death bed" that GOD will shortly arrange for
you.  Think I'm being mello-dramatic?  I'm not !   I've witnessed this myself with
people I have known personally.  And it makes  a LASTING impression.  "FEAR of
the LORD is the Beginning of Wisdom."  You WILL KNOW if you are "Chosen",
HE has HIS WAYS of communicating this to you that is unmistakable. Don't sweat
that part, sweat the Journey that now lies before you.  You are about to be "tested
to the MAXIMUM of your ability to withstand.  Your TESTS are custom made just
for you and if you endure them to the end, the "old you" dies and JESUS HIMSELF
will come to you and GIVE you a NEW HEART.  A Heart that is now capable of
Returning HIS LOVE.  THIS IS WHEN YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN for you have now become REGENERATED.  I like to think of it as Degenerated to Regenerated.
Because that is what it really is, we must "Die to this World" and live our NEW LIVES
for HIM and ONLY HIM.  HE becomes our Top Priority in all aspects of our lives, even unto our OWN LIFE.  DO YOU LOVE HIM MORE THAN YOUR OWN LIFE ?
If your answer is YES, then you have already started down the NARROW ROAD.

                     MARANATHA !        T H

       P.S.   Who among us wants to show up at HIS WEDDING FEAST charred and smoking ?