Pastor Bob (12 Apr 2015)
""The Vatican""

All doves:

You might say that most of humanity has been beguiled by the Ecumenical Movement that began in 1965.  I am shocked regularly to know how little people really know about the Vatican/Jesuits/Roman Catholic Institution.  One of the greatest proofs that the Bible is God's Holy Word, is that of the accuracy of prophecy.

If you don't recognize this evil body discussed by the Apostle John as the focus of Revelation 13, 17, 18 and 19 then you have been living in a fantasy land.  I would like to share with you the definition of the "Vatican".  This might surprise you.  It shocked a number of church folk when I recently filled in for a pulpit supply "Sun"day.

The word 'Vatican' comes from Latin and is a contraction of two words in the following way:

                'Vatis' = 'prophetic' or 'diviner'
                'Can' = 'serpent/snake'

These two words combined make:

                'the prophetic - or made divine serpent'

The Vatican is a place, so you may say, that 'Vatican' means 'the place of the prophetic-and worshiped serpent'.

The RCC/Vatican was in control of every aspect of society in our Westernized history. 

They are responsible for putting away the Ophiuchus Constellation and even the Ophiuchus sign in the Zodiac... because it didn't go along with their man-made religion of 12 months, 12 constellations, 12 signs...

They are also responsible for labeling the Tanach/Torah 'Ophiuchus' script as the "Old Testament" and placing their man-made manipulation script as the "New Testament" and 'New Order'.  But 'Ophiuchus' has always been present.

Do you know what 'Ophiuchus' means?

Beside being the 13th constellation of the Zodiac, it is a lot lot more, i.e. 'serpent bearer'.

Do you think there is a relationship to the fact that Vatican City has 13 'obelisks' (8 Egyptian and 5 Roman)?  Each are associated with the 13 families identified as the 'Black Nobility' that sit in council as the force behind the Jesuits hierarchy.  The truth is that Roman Catholicism is the modern face of ancient Mystery-Babylon Egyptian satanic worship. 

What did Genesis 3:1 say about the serpent?

What did Paul say about the serpent in 2nd Corinthians 11:3?

The book of Revelation notes the serpent four times - 12:9; 12:14; 12:15; and 20:2.

Now you know what the word 'Vatican" truly means.  Visible in plain sight yet invisible in meaning!

Blessings from King Jesus,

Pastor Bob