Pastor Bob (12 Apr 2015)
""Tax Day Truth & Jovial""

All Doves:

In my post on "The Corporate Trinity and April 15th" I stated information that has been in existence since the Illegal income tax act was placed on the backs of the everyday slave in America.  We are all slaves and I would expect Jovial to diss that as well.  Whenever I make a statement that is not common knowledge and when people will scoff at its reality, I back it up with references.  People who know me personally know that when I speak, I speak truth, because pastor Bob is a truth-seeker, first and foremost.

If the reader bothers to go to the link that I referenced in that post you will find enough information to validate my statement.  I hope that Jovial would take the time to check out the link.  In my series on "All Roads Lead to Rome" I provided a reading biography to keep one engaged for at least a year of reading research. Jovial states that my post is a "wild claim" but if you begin to do your own fact-checking you will at some point discover the truth.

Most of you are unaware that when you send your April 15th Federal tax return, you are "voluntarily" sending your hard-earned money to the Bank of England (40%) and to the Vatican (60%).  Banks no longer return your cancelled checks so you have to request a photocopy if you want to prove me right or wrong.  Checks sent to the IRS are deposited in a bank in Puerto Rico, a bank of the IMF (International Monetary Fund), not the US Treasury.

Now if Jovial was right then ask yourself why does my check to the IRS get deposited in a bank in Puerto Rico, and why is it the bank of the IMF?  I learned this reality twenty years ago when I was going through my cancelled checks.  Stamped on the back of my check to the IRS was the IMF bank endorsement.  The Internet is a two-edge sword and that is why the Obama administration wants to shut it down, and stop the flow of freedom of information.

Since 1933, the USA has been bankrupt, and the Federal Reserve Notes we use to buy and sell are not backed up not by gold or silver, other than by the so-called good faith and credit of the USA.  The US dollar is a 'fiat' currency, paper money that is totally worthless in real value.  Actually it is an instrument of debt.

I will be 79 in a few months, and I am a history student.  I read incessantly and I have been a researcher for over fifty years.  Three subjects have been a major part of my life's work: the Bible, Roman Catholicism, and Freemasonry, which took on the focus of my intellect since the assassination of President Kennedy.  I have several computers and backup hard drives that contain 3.8-million documents on these three major topics.  I do not expect Jovial to believe a word that I have posted on "All Roads Lead to Rome" but I would hope that he would take the time to refer to the link that I posted in that post in the March 29th Five Dove Letters before he attacks it as a wild claim.  This is one of the reasons the fraudulent mafia government is able to deceive the man on the street, and that he will never bother to prove for himself the truth.  The government is all about ignorance of the public.  Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge or information.

At my point in life, I have definitely read more books and done more research than most of you can imagine.  Jovial has no idea of how the "shadow" but real government works, how it plays a game of duplicity.  As to what happens with the taxpayer payments,  It is held in an IMF bank account for a period of exactly one year before it is disbursed to the controllers of the world.  The US national debt clock has been frozen at its debt ceiling now for more than three weeks because it has reached its limit of what it can borrow.  This year the USA will pay over $450-billion in debt service (i.e., interest on that debt).  The USA can only spend what it borrows from the Federal Reserve System, which is neither federal nor does it have any reserves.  I suggest that Jovial do some research, read the link that I posted in that article he calls a wild claim.  President Obama has doubled the national debt in just his time in office.  He has run the debt up - higher than all previous presidents in office.  His primary job is to destroy the country.

Let me remind you of the fact at my age, I have nothing to gain, sell, or promote other than the Truth.  I'm already on borrowed time.  Take advantage of the information that I have gleaned from years of research.  It only costs you some time and what you learn will bless you.

Jovial is blinded by the shell game the Roman Catholic Church conducts.  Ask yourself, why is it that the nation of Switzerland is a neutral state?   Why is it where the Vatican has thousands of numbered bank accounts, security vaults?  The Rothschild's have been the Vatican's "Fiduciary" since 1823 and for a small percentage of 6% in interest they do not mind taking the heat for the Vatican as being the world's evil money changers.  There is so much Jovial does not know about the real world truth.  Remember, he that has the gold makes the rules.  When the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, even President Wilson later on his death bed admitted he had sold his country into slavery.  Between 1915 and 1933, the bulk of the gold in the US Treasury was confiscated as debt payment and even the currency in circulation was constantly changed without the public even knowing the truth.

If you have a "Silver" Certificate one dollar bill, it no longer can be redeemed for a dollar's worth of silver.  They even changed that decades ago.  I got a basic lesson from my local UPS driver.  Thirty years ago, in paying for a C.O.D. package delivery, I noticed that he was checking my dollar bills I paid him with.  In inquiry, I learned that he would exchange the "Silver" certificate dollar bills and put them in his other pocket.  He told me at the time old people kept money stashed away in their homes and often times he would be paid with the "Silver" certificate one-dollar bills.  A few years ago I tried to cash ten of these "Silver" certificate one-dollar bills at the bank for silver and they laughed at me, and tried to give me ten new one-dollar (new bills) for my "Silver" certificates.  Legally, a one-dollar "Silver" certificate is redeemable in payment in the form of equivalent silver, but the Federal Reserve System no longer honors that policy.  I can't recall the price of silver today, it had been up around $32 an ounce but I believe it is down around $13 currently.  The 1913 one-dollar bill today is worth 2-cents, if that, in real value.  People today have lost more than 50% of their purchase power because of inflation just in the last twenty years.

My father supported a family four on $150 a week back in the 1940's and 1950's.  Even the government's statistics defines poverty today at $24K a year. 

Interestingly in Jovial's post, he actually answers his own retort.  The bottom line of all this is that the Vatican and their "Fiduciary" are bleeding us and every other nation dry by Private-ownership of Central Banking.  The US congress forfeited their constitutional responsibility to create and coin money.  The ultimate goal is to eliminate paper money and go to the cashless society (i.e. the microchipping) and economic units for electronic currency.

The important question everyone needs to ask is why do we (USA) pay the Federal Reserve private bankers 6% to print and borrow our own money, that they print into existence out of nothing.  The USA pays the Federal Reserve 6% in the form of Fed-purchased bonds issued on the debt created by the printing of US dollars.  Central banking of the world is Vatican-controlled through the Jesuit/Rothschild banking cartel.  This answers Jovial's question as where the government gets the money to purchase and do business.  New debt is authorized by the congress to pay for new debt and pay off old debt (bonds).  I urge you all to go back and save my series on "All Roads Lead to Rome" because the bibliography I provided is priceless.  As I was doing each segment, I was recording the books that came to mind as I was typing and added to the bibliography.  That bibliography is 'gold' in terms of bringing together decades of research with the collective books and authors that know more than all of us combined.

The process of discovering truth is always one of pooh-poohing it first, but the intelligent person will not be afraid of examining the evidence.  Evidence lies behind the curtain.  The movie "Wizzard of Oz" was based on a book by Frank Baum.  He wrote in fiction form a story line to expose the Federal Reserve. 

        +What does "oz" stand for?  Ounces. 
        +What is measured in ounces?  Gold. 
        +What is the yellow brick road ?  Bricks or bars of gold. 
        +What is the strawman character?  It is the fictiticous all CAPS, a legal fiction of a PERSON created by the government with the same spelling of your real birth name.  

The symbolism goes on, there is so much more but I will not list all the other symbols of the movie/book, 'The Wizzard of Oz' .  You can discover them for yourself now that I pointed you in the right direction.   It is absolutely brilliant.  Once you understand that movie or book of Frank Baum you will discover that I am not some old crank

My suggestion to Jovial and the rest of you is that you go and look up on the Internet, "Frank Baum: Wizzard of Oz, Exposing the Federal Reserve".  That children's movie was not just a children's story!!

Blessings from King Jesus,

Pastor Bob