Ozzie (12 Apr 2015)
"“Nothing new here!”"


Nothing new here!”
Washington (AFP) - US President Barack Obama said there was "nothing new" in Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial speech to Congress on Tuesday, insisting the Israeli Prime Minister did not offer a better option than negotiations.
Netanyahu "did not offer any viable alternatives," Obama said speaking from the Oval Office.
Netanyahu earlier, before an impassioned joint meeting of Congress, pilloried talks with Iran, which if successful would be a key plank of Obama's foreign policy legacy.
Receiving a warm welcome from Obama's Republican foes, Netanyahu insisted the deal "doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb. It paves Iran's path to the bomb."
VOA News
Last updated on: March 19, 2015 2:22 PM
President Barack Obama telephoned his congratulations to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Thursday, two days after the prime minister was reelected to a fourth term.
A White House statement says Obama stressed the importance the U.S. puts on its close military and security cooperation with Israel.
He also reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to a two-state solution in any peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

To an observer it would appear that Obama is correct in his assessment that there is nothing new being proposed by Netanyahu. He continues to insist on the security and safety of the nation of Israel. He continues to doubt the honesty and intentions of Iran who have lied, contrived and continue to promise their complete annihilation. Netanyahu also continues to reject the framework for establishing any two state solution while the present Palestinian leadership continues to reject Israel existence. To retreat to previously held borders would be indefensible given the current geopolitical circumstances.
While Obama claims political agreement and discussion is the only way forward, it is difficult to see how one can talk your way out of complete annihilation being continuously threatened. I am not confident that Obama's dismissal of these threats are being purposed for domestic consumption only. In the light of political motivation that powers them it is either delusional or purposely deceptive to argue such.
While holding these misgivings I think Netanyahu is correct to reject both the proposed UN deal on the future of Israel in its present form and at this present time and the proposed nuclear arms deal.
Obama was right to insist on there is 'nothing new here.' The TWO STAGE SOLUTION along with the Iran agreement is yet another attempt to impose yet another 'FINAL SOLUTION' on the Israeli people. It is hardly surprising Netanyahyu rejects its fulfilment.
With kind regards