Mike Plunkett (26 Apr 2015)
"Now Posted! Michael & His Angels........ANALYSIS!"

Dear doves,
This code is over a month old. If you will remember, back then I was asking for FEEDBACK from everyone.
     WELL, GOD responded in another code called Jorge Mario Bergoglio with the word FEEDBACK, BUT......he also responded in this code as well, WITH THE WORD FEEDBACK! When I found this code, I REFRAINED from posting it for weeks. Then, when I did post it, I REFRAINED from doing an analysis on it, even though I pretty much KNEW what it was saying. THAT is what freaked me out so bad that I REFRAINED from publishing it back then.
     I cannot keep things from you all any more. It is not honest. Father wants EVERYTHING REVEALED when it is obvious, with large ODDS, and supernatural inspirations, to be published. I am sorry. Please understand the immense pressure I am under? I pray FOR FORGIVENESS and hope this information is still worth while. Also understand, that when I am doing these codes, I have no idea WHAT they are going to ultimately say. I only have a general idea, but the details and arrangements of the words, is all done by God. There is NO WAY I could make ANY of this up. That is why it is so hard for me to publish some of this stuff. It IS so personal. I hope you understand. This is from GOD. I am just a witness.
     And I am only human, a man with many faults and past sins. I am JUST LIKE YOU ALL! So, I AM ASKING EACH AND EVERY ONE OUT THERE TO please PRAY FOR ME! I AM TRYING TO GET IT ALL RIGHT, BUT IT IS SO VERY EXHAUSTING AND OVERWHELMING.............