Mike Plunkett (12 Apr 2015)
"To: Vernon Gray.....The Case For 2 Raptures."

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,
     Vernon, I just read your letter to us. I am profoundly thankful to our Lord for showing you this truth. And greatful for your sharing with us, your enlightenment. I too, believe this way, that Father has shown you, and I have posted about it in the past, here on doves. I am overjoyed to see someone else has found this truth and is sharing it with others.
     We are all at different levels of (the meal of learning....... ex: milk versus meat). This does not diminish ones salvation or raise up another's. It is just fact, that there has to be a beginning to the learning process and an explanation for ones that are further along. I am honored to have been given a talent to search our Lords word with the bible codes program that was invented by a brother of Israel. We are definitely within the days of our Lords return. I am shown supernatural happenings, almost every time I sit down at my computer and run a code on any given subject of scripture.
     I am witnessing to all now, that what you have revealed in your walk with the Lord, Is the TRUTH! The code that I just finished, ended up being a message. The code, EASTER, is found in 6 short verses of the bible! I was absolutely astounded, again, as I was not expecting a direct message from our Lord. But, it appears that is part of what it is. It is the verses that the code was found in by the computer program. For weeks now, I have been attacked by the adversary, and have doubted what I am doing. Our Lord set me straight in this code on EASTER. He has talked to me before in this way and it has been very shocking, at first. But now, I have come to except the fact that he talks with me and I with him, on a personal level. 
     This is what happens when we draw close to the Lord Jesus. satan begins to attack us viciously and sows doubt in our minds. This is a good indicator that one is walking on the right path. But it is also the time that we have to stay VERY, VERY, close to Jesus, and keep close. THEN, satan will leave and it becomes as simple as telling him what to do. AND, he will leave, if we call upon the Lord and tell satan to leave us alone, in Jesus name! It IS THAT SIMPLE, when we have faith.
     After this happens, there are things in the scriptures that the Lord reveals to us, and they JUST MAKE SENSE, at least to US, ones that have drawn very close in a personal relationship with Father. That is why I have witnessed what you have shared in your letter. I believe it to be the TRUTH, as this has been revealed to me also.
     In closing, I want to personally say, thank you Vernon, and.........
God Bless,