Jovial (12 Apr 2015)
"Who Is Behind the Allegations that the Vatican runs our Government?"

Who is behind the allegations thatthe Vatican secretly runs our Government?  There are several groups that have promoted this, despite all the evidence that any forces behind our Government seem to be anti-Catholic in their policy, not Catholic.

1. MAS0NS / I11uminati / etc - Many people in these organizations ARE trying to run our government from behind the scenes.  Accusing the Vatican of such conduct sends suspicion in a different direction, and away from them so that you won't worry about them.

2. The KKK - They hate anyone of a different color, race, or religion other than white protestants.  But to build allies, they have to get others to hate the same people they hate.  Part of their Anti-Catholic propoganda is to convince you that they control the government behind the scenes so you will be motivated to join their efforts to stop it.

3. Several Protestant Denominationally Entrenched People.  Often, preachers will spend their time trying to convince their flock not to leave the congregation they are in and talk about why every other denomination out there is wrong.  They demonize the competition, rather than being informative.  The fact that the Catholic Church WAS the power behind the power but is not anymore is a fact they refuse to recognize, because demonizing the competition keeps money going into the collection plate.

I have documented in several posts how the Catholic Church used to be very powerful, but isn't anymore, with the last nail on the coffin being sealed by Italy in 1870 (  Their loss of influence started with the Reformation and the last piece of it was gone about 363 years later.  So when you hear someone tell you that the Vatican owns the United States, and we are paying tribute to them, perhaps it is because they themselves are part of the Illuminati, or the KKK, or one of these other groups out to get everyone to hate the Vatican for what they used to be before the Reformation.  Or perhaps a sympathizer of one of those organizations that has read too much of their propoganda, but hasn't joined them specifically.  For example, someone sympathetic to the KKK but hasn't joined their organization might still promote ideas like the Catholic Church owns our Government, and Jews own all the banks, and they really aren't Jews but Kazars and other KKK propoganda.

But we shouldn't hate our fellow members of the Body of Messiah.  We should be supporting each other.  Not to say we should debate our differences.  But no need to pass on hate and false information.

