Chris (12 Apr 2015)


God sent his only son to save this world from their sins of hate and greed.

Do you know that the middle east has been battling  for thousands of years?

There have been family feuds all about power, control and greed. Each family fights each other and kills women and children. Then after there  are all dead. The women have more children and teach them to fight again. This has been going on since Biblical times. When will all this killing stop? Now right here in America we are having family feuds will America be like the middle east? WE want more and more power, control and greed ? Are we under one nation of God now or not? God has been telling to love one another Black, yellow, red and white we are precious in his sight. WE used to love and care more and more for one another what happen? Let's lay down our arms and learn how to love each other. We are all in this together. Our greed and power and our hate who cares attitude toward each other is destroying our great America. We have fight and have died thought Meany Wars standing and fight together side by side black yellow red and white stand together and fight. We as Americans are we going to our great county go down like a sinking ship or are we going to listen to our hearts and stand one nation under God that we Americans build ? We used to be number super power what happen to us America? Everything was made in America by us with our strong hands  what happen America? Where is our strength to stand with each other and let no other nation move us. We are America seven billion strong. What dose our money say on it? We need to stand with each other or we are going to be destroyed by our Enemy within. We need to take each other's hands and say we will not be defeated. This is our home that our great God our creator build for us learn to love one another and care. IF WE DO NOT CHANGE WE ARE GOING TO BURN                   .