Charles Holler (26 Apr 2015)
"update, options, and other stuff"

Greetings to my Friends, Family, and Brothers/Sisters in Christ,

                                                                        THE RESULTS
      I'm sending this for two reasons. First and foremost I want to give Praise to The Most High God, my Abba, my Adonai-Jehovah Rofech ( The Lord your Healer ), and finally my Yeshua HaMashiach ( Jesus the Messiah) for the results of my C T scan and blood work. There are a couple items that need attention ( hiatal hernia, non obstructive kidney stone, and such) but the opening line as I am reading these results ( technology really allows one to co manage their own treatment) is:

1. No convincing evidence for metastatic disease (cancer) within the chest, abdomen, or pelvia.

    I won't quote anything else from the actual results as I've probably been a little to forthright so far, but PRAISE JESUS!!!! the melanoma is contained in the eye. I want to thank everyone who has kept me in their prayers and a special thanks for those who even fasted for me (you know who you are ) and even offered to financially pay for any procedures my insurance didn't cover, and I can't tell you how that touched my heart. I again thank The Lord for His for-site in this matter and how He directed my paths to have insurance that covers 100% of my needs.  Thank you so much Dear Saints of God who prayed and shared my need to others for prayer.

                                                                           THE AUTHOR
    For those who have been on my mailing list since this testing has come, know The Lord brought a man into my life by Divine appointment. He ( Neill G. Russell) is a  Messianic Believer, scientist and author of the book " Newton's Riddle". His wife survived liver cancer and they were on The Sid Roth program. Her story received 20 million views right after it went on the net, as that type of cancer is one of the worse kinds. I will put some links below to some of his web sites It 's very obvious to both of us that The Lord has crossed our paths for such a time as this .and they are a must to look at and book mark  for many reasons ( healing, edification, teaching, worship, or just an important reference that you will surly need at some time for yourself or someone you love that has a life threatening issue.).

      Now that I've introduced Neill, I want to share one of the what I believe  Divine appointments with you. Neill's daughter Renee  is a realtor on the East coast and after hearing my story from her dad said " You're not going to believe this dad but, I have a client who just shared with me how  she was diagnosed with the same kind of eye cancer ( ocular melanomas are so rare only 2,000 - 2,500 people get it annually) and like Charles she went to one of the best Ocular Oncologists in the area. ( John Hopkins, of the premier hospitals) and like Charles said the tumor was so large that enucleation ( eye removal) was the only option. She did the research, found a clinic in Philadelphia, had the plaque therapy ( radiation seeds planted in the tumor) and kept her eye." She e-mailed me the name of the clinic and a web site for the melanoma foundation as a support group that even has grants to pay for procedures.

                                                                           THE OCULAR ONCOLOGIST
     I was scheduled for my first visit with the surgeon who would perform the enucleation. I do want to say my ocular oncologist wanted me to have the procedure at Barnes-Jewish Hospital because of his working relationship with local surgeons. I asked to have it done in my home town because I didn't want to travel the 100 miles. He reluctantly said he would check the surgeons in my  area to see if anyone measured up to his standards. ( He is considered one of the world premier ocular oncologists ) One of the reasons I'm so thankful to The Lord about my c t scans is because this world premier ocular oncologist was so sure I had cancer elsewhere because of his years of experience ( he teaches in the afternoons after he's seen his own patients ) he lowered my 5 year survival rate  from 80/20 % to only 50/50 % of surviving. I got the call the next morning from his office saying he found me a local surgeon.

                                                                            THE SURGEON
     Needless to say I Googled the surgeon as I have with every doctor who is involved in my treatment. I was quite pleased to find someone locally with such credentials. He graduated from MIT, was voted surgeon of the year 2010, had written a couple books, was published in several medical journals, and currently reviews articles that other surgeons have submitted for publication in his field.I had an appointment with him this past Monday afternoon April 20. I decided to call the Willis Eye Center in Philadelphia and  the person who answered the phone let me know that there was a possibility of treatment and that the size of my tumor (15mm x 21mm x 12mm) was borderline of being too large. She said Dr. Shields would have to see me first before making that determination. I went on to say I wish I didn't live in ______ . and she said _____ Pennsylvania I said no ________ Illinois. She said that's no problem we are connected to five major airlines and two Hotels  and we will fly you out here round-trip, put you in a room for a couple days, and it will only cost you. food. She went on to let me know that I need to see my local doctor to prepare for surgery and if they decide to treat me I will be there for about nine days.I then commented how nice that it was she said "Dr. and Mrs. Shields really care about their patients. and they are number one"  I said they must really treat you well for you to give them that kind of a compliment, to say they are number one is a very great compliment, and she said no I'm not saying they're number one, I'm saying if you check their credentials they are the number one ocular oncologist on the planet. I said with excitement " Oh they're really number one." and she replied yes they are number one.

                                                                              THE DILEMMA
 So this is my dilemma and why I'm asking for continued prayer. Even though this sounded wonderful and gave me such hope after finding out that very morning that the melanoma was contained in my eye. I didn't want to take a risk of it spreading later in life. One of the questions I asked my surgeon Monday afternoon was " if I decide to go to the Willis clinic, am I taking a chance of the melanoma spreading?"  He said." Charles I will be honest, with any kind of treatment besides the enucleation, there's going to be a greater chance for spreading. This is why we don't biopsy it till it's detached from your body." I decided to call the Willis Clinic today and ask her if this was true and she said the Dr. would have to see me first. I then told her what my Surgeon had said and asked her if this was true and she said yes.

                                                                                 WEIGHING THE OPTIONS
      I am so very sorry for the length of this letter. I just wanted everyone to be on the same page as me. I am so very thankful for everyone's prayers and can't help but think there very well could have been cancer elsewhere in my body  but the prayers of many Saints shook Heaven itself and Jesus healed me of it. I say this because the look on his face as he insisted on the c t test and lowered my % chances of survival was grim. My friend who was with me concurred he was very sure it was elsewhere because this type of rare cancerous tumor seldom starts in the eye and spreads but is normally the results of melanoma elsewhere that spreads to the eye and especially because of the size. ( about the size of my thumb, first knuckle to tip)

I once again plead for your prayers one more time. Since the day of my first diagnosis 3-18-15 I started what I call the Daniel diet:

(Dan 1:15  And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat. )

Cancer loves a high acidity level in your body and hates high Alkaline. So I've had no meat of any kind, sugar, chlorinated water, coffee, alcohol, cheese, carbonated soda, or drinkable dairy products since that day. I have combined this with the Budwig diet ( see link below) which is a must read for anyone wanting to save a loved one from cancer. Johannah Budwig nominated 7 times for the Nobel Peace and was Europe's premier cancer researcher for decades. She simply combined an omega 3 fatty acid with a certain protein and it destroys cancer at the cellular level. Testimonies are astounding .....stage 4 brain cancer, literally only hours to live, started it and lived over 25 years. It has cured all the biggies lung, liver, pancreas, melanoma, etc. and shrinks tumors also. You can also find this information on Neill's web sites.
                                                                                  THE PLEA
      I have said all this to say my next Dr   appointment is May 8th to get cleared for Surgery ( needed for both options ) and I'm leaning toward enucleation unless I get clear conformation from The Lord to go to the Willis Clinic. This means they will schedule the surgery very soon after May 8th. I will have the tumor measured to see if it is starting to shrink just before and if there's noticeable progress we'll do it every 30 days. I plead one more time for everyone to agree with me in prayer again, to shake the heavens ( if I may be so bold to ask) and have My Jesus  either give me clear direction, shrink the tumor, or my most preferable healing. Thank you in advance for all your support in this, what is  now the largest trial of my life as I am literally fighting for my very life.


Charles Holler Sr