Bob Ware (26 Apr 2015)
"16 July 2015 > 2368th day for Obama and 70th anniversary of the Trinity Bomb"


16 July 2015 is the 70th anniversary of the detonation of the ‘Trinity Bomb’. 21 days later, on 6 August 1945, the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima Japan.


2368 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. On 16 July 2015 Obama will complete his 2368th day in office.


There are 1440 minutes in a day. When 1440 is the diameter of a circle then the area on a one degree segment equals the circumference of 4524. This is my ‘Circle of Time’ diagram. An equilateral triangle within this circle marks off three 120 degree arcs each measuring 1508. A Star of David within this circle marks off six 60 degree arcs each measuring 754. 2368 divided by Pi equals 754. 754 is also the gematria of the Hebrew translation of ‘Yehoshua HaMeshiach’ (JESUS CHRIST).


The current 48th 30-year Islamic calendar cycle ends with their year 1440 on 31 August 2019. There are 1508 inclusive days from 16 July 2015 to 31 August 2019.


The longest life span in the Bible was Methuselah’s age of 969. 1508 + 2368 equals 4 x 969.


The first four prime numbers in row 14 of my ‘Prime List’ total 2368 (41 + 373 + 761 + 1193). The sum of the two consecutive prime numbers immediately preceding 1193 is 2368 (1181 and 1187). 1508 + 1193 equals the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). The center value of 2701 is 1351. 1508 - 1351 equals the composite number gematria of ‘JESUS’ (157). (15 x 08) + (11 x 93) equals the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Jesus Christ’ (1143). On 21 July 2015 there will be 1503 inclusive days remaining in the current Islamic calendar cycle. Lincoln served 1503 days. (15 x 03) + (11 x 93) equals the gematria of the last three words of Genesis 1:1 (1098). 1098 is the average number of days served by the four assassinated Presidents. From the volcanic eruption in Chile on 22 April 2015 to 31 August 2019 will be 1593 inclusive days. 15 + 93 + (15 x 93) equals the 1503 days served by Lincoln.


There was an 8.8 earthquake in Chile on 27 February 2010. 27 February 2010 to 22 April 2015 was 1880 days. 1880 equals 2 x 940. The hexadecimal number string ‘940’ equals the decimal number 2368. 940 is last composite number to fall within the range of the ‘Prime Cube’. The mirror image of 1880 is 0881. 881 is the 153rd prime number, the last point of the ‘Prime Cross’ and the 43rd number within the ‘Prime Cube’. Obama is the 43rd different President.


501 is the Hebrew gematria of ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’. 1508 + 501 equals the year Obama first took office (2009).


When 1508 (2 x 754) is the short side of a rectangle and its diagonal is 2368 the long side of the rectangle is 1826 (2 x 913). 913 is the gematria of the first word in the Bible which translates into English as ‘In the beginning’.


11 September 2001 to 16 July 2015 will be 5056 days. When 5056 is the circumference of a circle the perimeter of an equilateral triangle within it is 4181. 4181 is the 18th Fibonacci number. 4181 is also the sum of the Greek (3168) and prime number (1013) gematrias of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’. The 17th Fibonacci number is 2584. There are 2584 prime numbered verses in the range of the 23,145 Old Testament verses. 377 is the 13th Fibonacci number. There are 377 prime numbers in the range from 1 to 2584. 377 x 2 equals 754 (Hebrew gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’).


The sides of a square with the same area of a circle with a circumference of 5056 measure 2 x 713. 713 is the sum of then first 22 prime numbers and it is the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The center diagonal of this square is 2017. The center stone of the ‘Genesis 1:1 Pyramid’ is stone number 2017. The 2017th composite number is 2368. The short sides of a golden rectangle within the circle around this square each measure 1060. 1060 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack Obama’ (580 + 480). The arc opposite this golden rectangle short side is 1117 and the arc opposite each side of the square is 1584. 1117 + 1584 equals the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). 1117 is the gematria of the first 10 letters of Genesis 1:1. 1584 - 1117 equals the center number of the ‘Prime Cube’ (467). Lincoln served 1503 days and JFK served 1036 days. 1503 - 1036 equals 467. 467 is also the sum of three different gematrias for ‘God’ (86 Hebrew + 99 prime + 282 ASCII).