Bruce Baber (27 Apr 2014)
"Pastor Bob re Standing in the Gap 1"


Dear Pastor Bob,
Your recent post was was both interesting and enlightening.  By my way of thinking, God doesn't introduce a new pattern, but consistently uses established patterns repeatedly.  In other words He is true to His nature and consist ant as well.  We find other "gaps" in the scriptures as you, no doubt, know.  There are multiple times when gaps appear in genealogies...
Example: Matthew 1:8 says that Joram fathered Uzziah. But, in 1st Chronicles we find that Joram fathered Ahaziah, who fathered Joash, who fathered Amaziah, who begot Uzziah who was also called Azariah. Matthew knew his readers would know Joram was the great, great grandfather of Uzziah.

You pointed out, "Isaiah 61:2 and the Lord's separation of the two advents in Luke 4:16-21 clearly indicate a "Gap" of time separates His grace and His wrath. Jesus stops in his reading, precisely, at a point the English text inserts a 'comma', to note a "Gap" of time between the two fulfillments of Bible prophecy.

"...if there are no "Gaps" in the prophetic program of God, prophecy could not have a literal fulfillment, for in many major prophecies the events were not consecutive."
Ancient Jews understood the practice of putting gaps in the geneaologies.  When Jesus is called the Son of David it wasn't a mistake, but was a commonly accepted pattern. In the garden of Eden, God said eat of the fruit and in that day you shall die.  Well obviously there was a gap in time.  Once again, it wasn't a mistake because with God a day is like a thousand years. 
You made a strong case for "gaps" in the Biblical narrative to denote a passage of time.  Thank you for your insight.
Bruce Baber