Asp (27 Apr 2014)
"Re: Jacquel Neff 6/4/14"

Hi Jacquel

This is probably the most important piece of information I have heard thus far regarding the end times.

Gospel Distribution = 100%

Thanks so much for sharing!

See you all REAL soon :)


Dear Corey and Doves,

    This is a most interesting dream you have had, as it confirms something I heard spoken in my prayer closet last week! I would like to state that this type of dream- where you were hearing words spoken, is almost identical to the way The Lord speaks to me in my dreams as well. Anyway, below is what I wrote down in my devotional book after I had received the word. I believe He was telling you essentially that the age of grace is coming to an end. Here's what was spoken, and written down on that day:

3/27/14 This is what I heard the Holy Spirit speak into my spirit this morning in prayer:  "TO ALL THOSE BORN     AFTER THE GOSPEL- TO YOU THE GOSPEL HAS BEEN PREACHED." 

I wrote:
 "WOW! Does this mean what I  think it means? Was the Holy Spirit saying the Age of Grace is over now? Matthew 24:14 says, " And this gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."
We certainly are living in the days that are like the days of Noah! And that we are seeing all nations turning against Israel. I believe that we are finally turning a big corner in Biblical prophecy now!

UPDATE: today, the 30th of Mar., I asked The Lord if this meant that no more people would come to Him. He said that this only meant that everyone on earth had now HEARD the gospel. People still have a very, very short time to respond or be eternally lost."

 Corey, this seems very much like what was told to you as well- albeit, your dream was a little more cryptic in nature. 
In Airline terminology- I think that we are currently "Flight status closed". The plane is ready for departure, the door is closed, and we're sitting at the gate. Hopefully, we won't be delayed!
Make sure your prepared- we're about ready to fly!!!!

  In Jesus Mighty Love,

   Jacquel Neff