Randy (16 Apr 2013)
"Anybody seen the PRICE OF GOLD ???   Economic update...it's been a while...."



Apparently, the world is "becoming a more stable place"    Financially?   Geopolitically?    ??  !!

REALLY ???  
 But thus......
GOLD IS getting killed....................(Considered a safe haven normally, when the sky is falling

The US and World Stock Markets are at RECORD HIGHS........(anybody remember Dec 2007?)

Apparently.....NO ONE thinks the Money Stimulus Programs by ALL the MAJOR nations is a problem.


1) It Isn't a problem....until one day when EVERYONE decides it IS "THE" PRoblem...


2) Nothing BIG happens.....until...... something BIG HAPPENS!!!

ONLY TWO things can derail the current Ephervesnce (spelling) ...

1) THE RAPTURE......or

2) The Wieght of ALL these probLems....THAT HAVE NOT REALLY BEEN FIXED SINCE THE LAST TIME A BIG THING HAPPENED.....2008.....   and the weight of all these problems just sinks the ship.

I'm hoping for the RAPTURE!!

Still in 2013?       By Rosh Hashanah in early September?   If so,  only 4 1/2 months to go to know.


MY GREATEST FEAR......??    Is that God needs more time to have all the pieces of the final end times puzzle in place.  In which case......NO raputure this year.  I hope that is NOT the case.

TICK TOCK.............

PS....I was ABSOLUTELY convinced in December 2007 that a COLLAPSE....AND the Rapture were coming really, really soon.   With NOTHING having been really fixed, financially, in the US and Europe and World economies........  

How much BIGGER will the next collapse be?
How much NEARER are we then to the Rapture........versus 5 years ago, in spring 2008?


BTW....I hope NO ONE put any confidence in the "bit-coin" as an alternative to the US Dollar.  The Bit-coin is in FULL collapse as of last week.

So......................I HATE TO SAY IT GUYS....BUT, so far I've BEEN RIGHT    !!!

1) US Dollar is IN TACT.   It is STILL the place the world runs for safety!!
2) Interest rates are still DOWN (artificially of course)
3) the US anr World stock markets have (incredibly) fully recovered...IN SPITE of NOTHING having been FIXED over the last 5 years.... GO FIGURE>    EVEN I DIDN"T SEE THIS....but then I was expecting the Ratpure LONG BEFORE the markets would ever recover..UGH!!    BUT....since I'm "in the business" of investments.....I'll TAKE THIS RALLY!!  

Personally, I just think this rally back to new highs will make the NEXT COLLAPSE.....AFTER THE RAPTURE...even more spectacular!!


4) I didn't think gold could prices could be sustained......not without the RAPTURE..and here we are.

but.....every dog has his day.....

The Stock market has cycles..
and so does EVERTYING ELSE........including...

and, eventuallly....INTEREST RATES....ie, BOND PRICES too!

I maintian......NO TOTAL COLLAPSE.....UNTIL....the Rapture happens!!