Randy (16 Apr 2013)
"The CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS for OUR Generation - North Korea/Iran"


It's building........can you feel it?  It's in the news EVERY day now....

And of course, NOW, Iran says "they will defend N Korea if N Korea is attacked."
Ah.......bad guys and bullies...WITH Nuclear bombs.  UGH!.

You remember right?  Ir you are age 55 or older, as am i?


I was in 3rd grade....8 years old.  At the time, very few people in the United States really knew HOW CLOSE we came to nuclear war with Russia, over the stand off for Russia to put nukes in Cuba.

Remember DUCK and COVER drills in school?  We even got our of school one day with the mandate:  "See how quickly you can get home today.....go as fast as you can...."
I loved the movies over the years showing President Kennedy and all the politics involved in keeping Russia from unloading missiles in Cuba......


The current problems between North Korea/Iran....and the rest of the world......is now:

the Cuban Missile Crisis for OUR GENERATION.  !!

I expect this will continue to ramp up......until it explodes.......when:

1) Israel strikes Iran in the next 90 days?   May, June July?


2) N korea/ and/ or Iran.......make their own first srtikes.

TICK TOCK.........................................BOOM!


What have I said in the last year?

1) Obama wins re-election.....

2) The Middle East EXPLODES........................Israel first strike (with or without the USA) ......Iran first strke?  Or now.....could it be N Korea first strike..
Netenyahu said at the UN last September.......Iran's RED LINE could NOT be crossed......  he said that would be by summer, 2013!   June is just around the corner.  I don't think he was joking!!  Notice he is now saying "IRAN MUSt be given a deadline...NOW!"

and then....

3) The RAPTURE.......somewhere NEAR the timing of A) these attacks on Israel.....or B)?  Pentecost......or at the latest Rosh Hashanah 2013.......first few days of September.  ??

IF NO RAPTURE by Rosh Hashanah in September this year.....I'm OUT OF GUESSES!!
And I will ADMIT that I was WRONG WRONG WRONG about the Rapture in Jewish year 5773.  TICK TOCK......