Lynnette (16 Apr 2013)
"May 5, 2013"


Marilyn Agee mentioned May 5 ,2013 is Ascension Day 
and said it in this letter
She said "This is why I now expect the First-Trump Rapture on Sunday.

FIRST-TRUMP RAPTURE ON THE LORD'S DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2013, Ascension Day and Orthodox Easter
LAST-TRUMP RAPTURE ON THE DAY OF THE LORD, MONDAY, SEPT 14, 2015, Feast of Trumpets " end quote

It relates in an interesting way , because  on April 5, 2013 ,  I  read  a posting by a Dutch Prophet Benjamin Cousjinsen from the LORD revealed " on  May 5,2013  the kingdom of darkness would expand even more. Just sharing, Lynnette