Jana (30 Apr 2013)
"Prayer for Joshua"


Hi Doves.....I am a long time reader of The Doves and appreciate all the years of encouragement this group has provided (many thanks and blessings to John for making it possible), I know we are mostly about sharing our end time views and insights regarding our Lord's return for the true church, but just in case he tarries, I really need prayer for my grandson. Joshua is almost two tears old and has been diagnosed with a condition called Child Developmental Apraxia. It means he cannot talk even though he is very intelligent and wants to speak. The brain is not functioning correctly. There is no cure but some children improve with early intervention. Please pray that he can get the intensive therapy he needs through the county and that he responds to it. This condition is somewhat like what happens to adults who have had a stroke and loose the ability to speak. They want to speak but cannot. Nothing is impossible with God and I am praying for Jesus to rewrite this report and touch Joshua with a miraculous outcome! We all have our stories how the enemy keeps coming against God's people and what is dear to them. God will work all things for good and I am standing on Romans 8:28 . I thank and bless everyone in advance for your prayers