Steve Coerper (26 Apr 2012)
"The Dark Night of the Soul"

Dear John and Doves -
As we draw ever closer to that joyful time when the Lord returns and gathers His bride, we are seeing an increasing amount of unpleasantness in the lives of many believers:  debilitating medical conditions, severe economic distress, loved ones who don't know and don't care...and mock those who do, arid times in the Word, prayers that bounce off the ceiling ... and a God Who seems distant and unconcerned.
A time like this is NORMAL for a true believer, but is outside the experience (and often the comprehension) of virtually all "nominal believers."  It is called the "dark night of the soul."  Job's three friends may have been well-intentioned, but they really were clueless.
Does God care?  Or does He have a sadistic streak that He occasionally displays?  Is He helpless when Satan rakes us over the coals?  Are our expectations unrealistic?  Why won't God answer?  Or worse:  why does He answer others, but not me??
I don't know if any of us has a complete and definitive answer, but my program on April 25th addressed some of these questions.  It may be a blessing to struggling Doves.
We're close to the exit ramp and don't want to blow it now.
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