Sandra Jean (7 Apr 2012)

DONNA, PATTI, AND RYEN:  Sons of God vs Sons of Seth
At one time, I also believed like Patti that the sons of God had to be the Godly line of Seth...sons of Seth...because to wrap my head around the more popular position that Pastor Riley, Chuck Missler, and others proposed was just too difficult.  Besides, Jesus said that angels "neither marry nor are given in marriage" (Mathew 22:30).  And there are no female angels listed in the entire Bible...the only angels listed (Michael, Gabriel, and the fallen angels) are all male.  So things did not make sense.
But I read and considered the posts submitted by Donna (3-20-12, etc) and Ryen (3-24-12)...especially Ryen's comment about "why it does truly matter" -- and since I've got extended family interested in UFO-ology...and because the Bible talks about an end-of-day's deception, just maybe they're right.  Anyway, here are some thoughts.
  • My understanding is that Moses wrote the entire book of Genesis.  Therefore, what I find intriguing is Moses used the identical phrasing for humankind ("had relations") numerous times as opposed to a different phrasing ("came in to") between the sons of God and daughters of men in Genesis 6:4?  Maybe not a big deal, but since all canon was given under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I find that curious.
  1. ...when the sons of God "came in to" the daughters of men (Genesis 6:4).
  • Another thing I wondered about is where Genesis 6 seems basically to be about the corruption and wickedness of mankind.  Scripture tells us God "was sorry He had made man on the earth and He was grieved in His heart."  It also says that the Nephilim were the "mighty men who were of old, men of renown."  Didn't sound like a bad thing but the contrary.  It isn't until Jude 1:6 that I read "And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day" plus they "indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh."      
Want to thank Donna, Patti, and Ryen for their postings.  Donna, thanks for your repeated use of scriipture in contending for your position; thanks, Patti, for bringing this to our attention; and thanks, Ryen, for the scripture references and Josephus reference...shed some light...very interesting!