Sandra Jean (30 Apr 2012)

"Test all things; to hold fast that which is good"
{1 Thessalonians 5:21}
Other pertinent Quotes from Derek Prince:
"Whenever the church moves into the realm of the supernatural, it opens up exciting new possibilities of ministry, but it also exposes us to new forms of danger. The Bible clearly indicates-and church history abundantly confirms-that Satan is fully at home in the supernatural realm and that he prepares special traps and snares for Christians who move into this realm. In particular, in dealing with "the last days," the danger against which the Bible most persistently warns us is that of deception. We are instructed to "test all things; to hold fast that which is good" (I Thessalonians 5:21),

What sort of people do we need to be if we are to apply the appropriate tests? The answer is in Hebrews 5:14: "But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil" (NIV).

There are two requirements: First, we must continually practice discernment in every situation that we encounter. The old saying, "practice makes perfect," applies in the spiritual realm as much as in the natural. Discernment must become as much a part of our spiritual walk as prayer or church attendance. Second, we must cultivate a diet of solid spiritual food. A superficial acquaintance with a few familiar passages of Scripture is not enough. We must build a solid foundation of the great central doctrines of the Christian faith and learn how they apply to the various situations we encounter. Being a Christian is a full time job"!