Rudy Wallace (9 Apr 2012)
"REF:  Nicole (7 Apr 2012) "Warning to Watchmen and Rapture Seekers""

Nicole (7 Apr 2012)
"Warning to Watchmen and Rapture Seekers"
Thank you Nicole. Well said.  The longer we have to wait for the rapture, the more time many others will have to come to the Lord and be a part of the bride. 
I watched a video of someone the other day who had a vision from the Lord, and he was talking about what the United States would be like a decade from now if we did not change our ways.  I wanted to turn off the video when I heard that, because I didn't want to believe that we could have a decade left.  But if this person did indeed hear from the Lord, who are we to question his vision?
We often sit in front of our computer screens in a luxurious air conditioned home with a bowl of ice cream in our hand and post comments about what bad times we are in.
Jesus will return in His own timing.....not ours.