Rudy Wallace (14 Apr 2012)
"REF:  Donna Danna  "Israel Told U.S. 'No Attack on Iran until Early Fall'""

"Israel Told U.S. 'No Attack on Iran until Early Fall'"
Here we go again.  Iran to be attacked after the first of the year.  No wait! Iran now to be attacked in the Spring.  And now, Iran to be attacked in the fall.
Of course, a lot of this is psychological warfare to try and confuse the enemy, but if Israel was planning an attack for the fall, do you think they would be devulging that information so Iran could be ready or counter attack???
I still believe that the next war event will be the Isaiah 17:01 prophecy, the overnight destruction of Damascus.  Iran and Israel may not have a direct confrontation between just the two of them.  But rather Isaiah 17:01 any day now, then the Psalms 83 war at some point after that, then the Battle of Gog and Magog just after the  my opinion.