Robert Belanger (30 Apr 2012)
"Pentecostal Rapture Article"

The following is a reference tot he article stated in my previous message concerning the Pentecostal Rapture article by Jack Langford.​Pentecostal+Rapture+new.pdf

"So there was division among the people because of Him" (John 7:43)
[  The Rapture  ]

(33 pages)
Strange as it may seem, the Feast of Pentecost not only marks the Birthday of the Church of Jesus Christ, but it also speaks of the
Rapture of the Church.  This is a very beautiful and comprehensive
study. It will set forth the Rapture of the Church in clarity and in
harmony with the whole body of revelation about the
Dispensation of the Grace of God.
(30 pages)
This is a detailed study on I Corinthians 15:20-28 concerning
the order of the Resurrection of the righteous.  Herein is proof positive
of the necessity of the Pre-Tribulational Rapture of the Church.

Please Take Note of the Following Charts Attached
"Israel's Sacred Year Calendar" concerning the Feasts of Israel.
(7 pages)
A Bible Study on the One restraining the appearance of Antichrist,
As discussed in II Thessalonians 2:1-12.

(19 pages)
Written by one who originally believed in the Post-Tribulational Rapture
of the Church.  Part of my confusion was due to inconsistent teaching by
those who professed the Pre-Tribulational position.  Thankfully, I saw my
error and was helped by consistent teaching from ministers who were
“rightly dividing” the Word of God.
(4 pages)
Brief thoughts on the two aspects of Messiah's coming
and on the two aspects of Messiah's second coming.

(10 pages)
There is a whole lot of confusion being taught about these 7 Churches.
You will find this study very clarifying in the application of the truth to
the future Day of the Lord time period as described in Revelation itself.