Randy (24 Apr 2012)
"Hmmmmm, after ALL the Stock Market Down Days in the Last 15 years.....Rosh Hashanah 2008 is still the BIGGEST!    777.68"

Did the DOW drop on Rosh Hashanah, 2008...Sept 29, 2008.....give us a clue to the Rapture on Rosh Hashanah 2012???  (See link at the end) 
So, the DOW drops 777.68 Points on Rosh Hashanah, 2008. 
And....it is STILL the Largest 1 day drop in the history of the market. 
Top 10 were:
1) 513 on 8/4/11 - 4.3%
2) 514 on 10/22/08 - 5.7%
3) 554 on 10/27/97 - 7.2%
4) 618 on 4/14/00 - 5.7%
5) 640 on 8/8/11 - 5.6%
6) 679 on 10/09/08 - 7.3%
7) 680 on 12/1/08 - 7.7%
8) 685 on 9/17/01 - 7.1%
9) 733 on 10/15/08 - 7.9%
10) 777.68 on 9/29/08 - start of Rosh Hashanah, and DOWN 7% as well !!
So......4 years later and this BIG DOWN DAY still holds the record.
(6 of the Top 10 down days have happened AFTER the Rosh 2008 drop.  So it's not like the market hasn't had the chance to hit a bigger down number....and remember the "flash crash?" May 6, 2010.  It was down about 998 points in the afternoon.....an intra-day swing of over 1000 points....but it rallied back from those depths.....and didn't even finish in the Top 10!) 
Are we now less than 5 months from the Rapture?????  Rosh Hashanah, 2012...mid Sept??
I hope so!!
See my post and analysis on this 777.68 drop.  FYI! 

Think about it........ANY OTHER NUMBER, and it would have simply been another BAD day in the US Stock Market.  But........    777????   Alot of us made comments back then.
Oh, could this analysis be right?  We shall see.......soon.... 