Randy (19 Apr 2012)
"Watching the National News is now as bad as the local news!  How much WORSE will the world need to get IF the Rapture is NOT this year?"

About 10-15 years ago, I found I hated watching the local news.  It was just TOO depressing.
Now...the National News (the evening news, the cable stations, CNN, etc and the Morning shows like TODAY and GMA) .....they are now as BAD or worse.
How much WORSE will the world need to get, IF the Rapture is NOT this year in 2012?
Every day..... the murders.....the kidnappings....the disappearances.....and not just in the United States....but pretty much ALL OVER THE WORLD.
I just want to go home....I hope it is THIS year.......Rosh Hashanah at the LATEST.
Come Lord Jesus.....
PS.....I remember the line in the 2005? Superman Movie.  It hit me like a brick.
Superman and Lois are high in the sky...and he says to her:
"Don't you hear it?..... She says hear what?  He says.....the people crying out for a Savior!"
WOW........  I am so saddened by so many many people....every day....all over the world......  oppressed, taken advantage of, murdered.....etc, etc etc...
Driving over the weekend...I found myself behind a car with a sticker on the back window for a daughter who died young, age 21.  Another sticker told why.  It said:
"A drunk driver killed my only daughter.."  And I almost cried.....
So many people........with their hearts torn out......for one reason or another......
Again.....I just want to go home......   come Lord Jesus...