Michael Colunga (17 Apr 2012)
"RE:  Endtime attack on the beloved KJV...what else is new?"

Hello, John and Doves,
Brother Francisco, it may interest you to know that the particular version of the translation of the Bible that anyone has is not particularly relevant.
As long as that version gets the basics straight, as in Ephesians chapters 2 and 3, por ejemplo, then it pretty much is an acceptable translation of the Bible.
As such, there have been, and will continue to be many souls saved based on the merits of the KJV.
It is written,
    "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
Mark 10:9  KJV
Given your druthers, you would have the Bride of Christ divorced from the Word of God, the KJV.
Conclusion?  Be very careful what you say.  The Devil, being much more clever than any of us, will gladly twist irresponsible speech into a curse against the Word.
Baruch HaShem Adonai Roi,
Mike C.
Francisco (14 Apr 2012)
"We should be guided by Bible originals"

We should be guided by Bible originals.

We have been misled by many Bible translations.
In order to know The Truth, we should be guided
by Greek originals, in NT.

Pro 16:25 - There is a way that seemeth right unto
a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Please see below a few of the errors found in one
of the best English versions of the Bible.

-- John 5.29
unto the resurrection of damnation
εις αναστασιν κρισεως
unto the resurrection of judgment

-- Romans 6.19
to righteousness unto holiness
τη δικαιοσυνη εις αγιασμον
to righteousness unto sanctification

-- Romans 1.5
for obedience to the faith
εις υπακοην πιστεως
for obedience of faith

-- Romans 1.5
for his name
υπερ του ονοματος αυτου
in behalf of his name

-- Romans 1.7
called to be saints
κλητοις αγιοις
called as saints

-- Matthew 5.22
shall be in danger of hell fire
ενοχος εσται εις την γεενναν του πυρος
shall be liable to the Gehenna of fire

-- Matthew 5.29
not thy whole body should be cast into hell
μη ολον το σωμα σου βληθη εις γεενναν
not thy whole body should be cast into Gehenna

-- Matthew 23.33
how can ye escape the damnation of hell
πως φυγητε απο της κρισεως της γεεννης
how can ye escape the judgment of Gehenna

KJV 1613 is not faithful to Stephanus 1550 Greek text.

