Michael Colunga (11 Apr 2012)
"RE: Chelsea Brown--"John G post  Obama zip code 60606""

Hello, John and Doves,
Hello, sister Chelsea!  Great post!
Ironies upon ironies!
Zero is an Arabic convention, allowing modern binary computing (1's and 0's).
BHO shows unmistakable signs of Barry Soetoroisms--namely Muslimisms.
Muslims owe their existence to a son of Ishmael, Mohammed.
Curiouser and curiouser!
Baruch HaShem Adonai Roi,
Mike C.
Chelsea Brown (7 Apr 2012)
"John G post : Obama zip code 60606"

Your objection to Obama's Zip code in Chicago(60606) not being relevant may or may not be valid. We will shortly know whether the multitude of connections Obama has to triple sixes is related to Rev 13:18, the Antichrist verse. It is hard to imagine that they are not related.
However, zero is not a number in most mathmatical systems. Zero is more of a place holder. Neither Greek nor Hebrew counting systems recognize zero. Furthermore, in scripture, the name "BARACK" is first found at verse 6,606 (Judges 4:6). That verse number, like the Chicago Zip code, holds a zero under our numbering system, but is 666 in fact. And of course, the Barack story in Judges 4-5 also encompases Chapter 216 or 6x6x6. Both Chapter and Verse number of scripture POINT TO A CONNECTION between  666 and the word"Barack". Even the spelling of OBAMA is found in verse 6, all the letters, in exact order, spelled in reverse, like Hebrew.(Judges 4:6).