MathMan (24 Apr 2012)
"Post to come on May 11th as a Watch Date"


Dear Doves,


As you know, Ron Reese has sent in an excellent article outlining several reasons to look up for our possible Departure during Pentecost 2012, May 27, 2012.  Please note that I completely agree with Ron’s article on this date as a Watch Date worthy of our time.


Before this date, I would also like to note that I am also watching May 11th intently, as well as Ascension Day May 17, 2012.  Marilyn Agee has written plenty about the May 17th Rapture possibility, so I won’t be writing anything about this.


I have several sound Biblical / mathematical reasons for May 11th that I will share with you within the few days.  However, in the meantime, I thought that you might want to put May 11th on your calendar as another Watch Date worthy of our time.  Please note that, should May 11th come and go, I will be fully on-board the May 17 / 27, 2012 “train”, with June 26th being the last possible stop for the 2008 – 2015 timeline (as far as I can tell)!!


Keep your hopes up for surely the Lord will not be tarrying much longer!!  MARANATHA!!


YbiC, MathMan