MathMan (20 Apr 2012)
"Illuminati use the Space Shuttle to make a point!!"


Dear Doves,

I caught a newscast on CNN the other day and was intrigued by the Space Shuttle Discovery being taken to a museum using a 747.

With special permission to enter restricted airspace, the 747 circled Washington DC several times, providing PLENTY of photo opportunities.

However, what I found of interest was that the press made SPECIFIC mention that it circled the Washington Memorial EXACTLY 3 times.  Given the Illuminati’s obsession with the number three, combined with the fact that the Washington Memorial is actually a monument paying homage to an Egyptian god the Illuminati worship, this was obviously done for their amusement.

I won’t even try to decipher what this “event” meant to the Illuminati.  It could be simply another of many subtle, yet significant, reminders that the Freemasons are in control of Washington (and therefore the country).

Keep looking up!!  Won’t be long now!!  MARANATHA!!


YbiC, MathMan