MathMan (20 Apr 2012)
"Did Tim Tebow point to Putin as Gog of Magog?"


Dear Doves,


The below is primarily meant for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY, but perhaps may also point towards how soon the Rapture may be.  It all depends whether you view Tim Tebow’s John 3:16 Game as coincidence or miraculous.  Keep reading to find out what I meant by that…


Have we received confirmation that Putin is Gog of Magog?  While MANY already believe that Putin is the Gog of Ezekiel 38 / 39, is there any recent events that could be pointing this out to help verify it?


I believe there was!!  Please join me as I show you why this MAY be the case:


-                     Back on January 8, 2012, Tim Tebow had a “John 3:16” game that had the entire world’s tongue’s wagging.  John 3:16 was the number one search on Google for three straight days!!  During this playoff game between the Broncos and the Steelers, there were no fewer than 7 significant 3:16’s – so many that even the secular broadcasting world couldn’t keep quiet about it!!  I believed then, as I still believe, that this was God’s “wake up call” to a slumbering world without Christ, AS WELL AS to the Jews that the time of the “Age of Grace” was almost up


-                     Now let us go back MUCH further in history.  The time where Moses went up to Mt. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments, in turn, signifying that the Age of Law had commenced.  However, due to Jewish rebellion, the process of instituting the Age of Law took a total of 120 days to install.  These 120 days represented a time of trouble and repentance (40 days to receive, 40 days of fasting, 40 days to again receive), a TRIPLE judgment of 40 days each!!


-                     This “Age of Law” continued for 1000s of years until it was interrupted by the First Coming of Jesus.  Ever since, we have lived in the “Age of Grace” and the “Age of Law” has been suspended.  Therefore, there still remains Daniel’s 70th Week, a temporary return to the “Age of Law” that remains to be finished.  This temporary Age of Law will be returned to right until Jesus comes back for the Second Time (excluding the Rapture)!!


-                     Many believe, including me, that this Age of Law / Daniel’s 70th Week will recommence with the Rapture, followed shortly thereafter by the Battle of Ezekiel 38 / 39.


-                     In the Battle of Ezekiel 38 / 39, with the Church gone and the U.S.A. in complete chaos, an Islamic coalition, led by Magog (Russia) under the leadership of Gog (Putin?), comes down onto Israel “looking for spoil” only to be completely annihilated by God Himself!


So what does the above have to do with anything?  Well, it took 120 days the first time to institute the “Age of Law” with Moses, a 120 day period of trouble and repentance.  Could there be a repeat of these 120 days leading to a RETURN to the “Age of Law”, a period that PERHAPS commenced with a call for repentance by God on January 8, 2012, directing SO much attention to the verse that saves, John 3:16?  Watch this!!


-                     January 8, 2012 is PERHAPS a call for repentance by God, using the only method of repentance possible – the verse that saves in John 3:16, the call to follow His Son, Jesus!!


-                     From this call, how long COULD people possibly have remaining to use this method?  PERHAPS they will have the same 120 days as with Moses before the move BACK to the “Age of Law” is complete!!  And, IF repeated, where does that lead us to?


January 8, 2012 plus EXACTLY 120 days = May 7, 2012


So who cares about May 7, 2012?  After all, there is nothing significant scheduled to happen on May 7, 2012 is there?  WRONG, wrong, WRONG!!


May 7, 2012 is THE day that Vladimir Putin is to be inaugurated as the President of Russia!!  Is this THE day that Gog himself is OFFICIALLY once again given full power of Russia’s considerable military might?  This certainly seems to me to be too much of a coincidence to merely be coincidence!!


While this may ONLY be pointing towards the rise of Gog, COULD it ALSO be pointing towards the resuming of the Age of Law?  AND IF it is pointing towards the resuming of the Age of Law, does that not mean that the Age of Grace must first end?  AND IF the Age of Grace is to end, does that not mean that the Bride MUST be removed first?  IF, and that is a BIG IF I admit, this is true, then I have no choice but to add May 7, 2012 to my list of watch dates!!


Conclusion:  Keep looking up, fellow brothers & sisters in Christ, for surely our Redemption draws near!!  MARANATHA!!


YbiC, MathMan