Marilyn Agee (3 Apr 2012)
"Joe M (2 Apr 2012)"Word from the Lord""

From: Marilyn Agee

> > My wife heard from the Lord.

> > "I was in prayer and the Lord gave me a word to give to his children. The Lord says everything that is happening was predestined to happen. He said to tell them he'll see them soon."

Predestined to happen fits Job 11:5,6. It says, “
But oh that God would speak, and open his lips against thee; 6  And that he would shew thee THE SECRETS OF WISDOM, THAT THEY ARE DOUBLE TO THAT WHICH IS!”
I think Jesus came back on Easter Sunday/Firstfruits, April 9, 30 AD, because he will come back on April 9, 2016, and because the resurrection of the dead in Christ will take place on Easter Sunday/Firstfruits, April 8, 2012. Easter and Firstfruits are not on the same day in 2013 and 2014.
Firstfruits is Omer 1. Ascension Day is Omer 40. Why this kind of countdown? It just may be when the wise virgins will be selected. I think Jesus ascended on Omer 40, Ascension Day, because the wise virgins in the Body of Christ will ascend in the First-Trump Rapture on Ascension Day, May 17, 2012. That’s soon. I think the foolish virgins plus the 144,000 Israelites and other Tribulation saints will be caught up in the Last-Trump Rapture on the Feast of Trumpets, Sept 14, 2015, the Day of God’s Wrath (Rev 6:17;7:14).
Marilyn Agee