Marilyn Agee (17 Apr 2012)
"Re: Hello again"

It is nice to hear from you. Thanks for your kind thoughts toward me. I still don’t have my Home Page straightened out, but I have a better idea of what to try. In the meantime, I post on Five Doves. Right now I’m ok, except I have cataracts in both eyes, and my hand clicks my mouse sometimes when I’m not aiming to do that, and am looking forward to only being separated from Ed for 5 months. That’s just a blip in our 65 years together, so I am lucky that way. Another thing comes to mind. I saw him in a dream April 2nd. I asked him if he was 30 or 33. He said, 33. He was 87 here, and would have been 88 in 4 months. He looked like he did when he was 33 too, not much like at 87, and was grinning from ear to ear. That’s easy to remember, because I have a picture of him grinning like that. He had on a black suit that looked like silk the way it flowed in the air. The fabric was much thinner than any suit he ever had.
I asked him several quick questions, and his answer to these were all yes. Can we be together forever” Yes.” Thank you Lord, that the answer to that was yes. We couldn’t be happy otherwise. The Lord put us together, and we want to stay that way. Are there female angels in Heaven? “Yes.” The ones on earth that are mentioned in the Bible are masculine, so I was glad to get that answer. Have you met with your family? “Yes.” Have you met with my family? “Yes.” Do you have a piano? “Yes,” then he faded away. I went through our pictures, and couldn’t be sure one was when he was 33. However, I have one at 23, when he finished his first year in college, one at 30 when David was born, and one in his forties when he ran for city council. In my dream, he did look as if between 30 and 40. Now, I know what to look for when the Rapture takes place. Oh, I told him one other thing, that I would be calling him by his real name, not his nickname, when the Rapture took place, and that he would have a better idea where I was coming from than I would have of where he was coming from.
I am counting the omer to Ascension Day, May 17, 2012, only a month from now. I think Jesus acted out the resurrection of the dead in Christ on Resurrection Day, April 8,  and the Rapture of the Bride of Christ on Ascension Day. We are the Body of Christ. The church is represented by an ephah in Zech 5. An omer is 1/10 th of an ephah, both are measures for grain. That sounds like 9/10 will be left behind. What a shocker that would be. We need to be sure to take advantage of I John 1:9. We certainly want to be in the 1/10th, no matter what.
That’s easy. The Bible tells us Jesus’ conception date. Hag 2:18/19 says, “Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month (Kislev 24, Hanukkah Eve), even from the day that the foundation (i.e., Jesus) of the LORD'S temple was laid (conceived), consider it. 19  Is the seed (Jesus, Gen 3:15) yet in the barn (a saying meaning is she pregnant)? YES, as yet the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree, hath not brought forth (NASA, LIFTED UP): from this day will I bless you.”
1Co_3:11 says, “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
I think Jesus was born on the Feast of Trumpets, Tishri 1 in 5 BC, before Herod died just before Passover in 4 BC. The sign in the sky as in Rev 12 happened on Sept 4, 5 BC.
The Temple construction was begun by Herod in 19/20 BC. It was 46 years under construction at the first Passover of Jesus’ ministry in 27 AD. He was 31. That was the Sabbatic Year preceeding the Jubilee Year in 28 AD. On the Day of Atonement in 27 BC, Jesus stood up in the synagogue to announce the coming Jubilee Year. The Day of Atonement was near his birthday, the Feast of Trumpets.
The Crucifixion was on Thursday, April 6, 30 AD. He was 33.5 years old. My guess is that we will look as if we were 33 for this reason. He was.
Job 11:5,6 says, “the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is.” I think Ed got his resurrection body Easter/Firstfruits, April 8.
From: Tom
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 5:27 AM
Subject: Hello again

Hello Marilyn,

I have not bothered you with any questions for a long time since I read of your trials.  It sounds as if you may have reached a functional equilibrium now.  I hope that it relatively painless and joyful.


Could you answer a question regarding your opinion on the date of Jesus’ birth.  I have read several times that you think it was on Yom Teruah.


I am guessing that we both agree that it was in the Autumn based on the logic and math of comparing the time of John’s conception and birth, Zechariah’s temple service being in the course of Abijah (Luke 1:5, 1 Chronicles 24:10), and that Jesus was conceived and born six months after John.


I have heard some, such as Mark Biltz, claim his birth was probably on the first day of Chag HaSukkot with his circumcision being the eighth day, and others claim it was probably on Yom Teruah.


Do you have any solid proof, circumstantial evidence, or gut intuition for or against either day?


I do find it interesting that the only specific evidence that I have found that the people in the Millennium will follow any of the seven moedim is in Zechariah 14 and that is Sukkot.  Is this because it is a celebration of his birth (following our western bent on observing birthdays) or is it because it’s the final, joyous celebration that typifies this seventh, Sabbath 1000 year day?  I don’t know.


Some may ask, “What does it matter when he was born?”, and ultimately the answer may not matter, but I suspect that if we could actually pin it down it may have bearing on what we think about the fulfillment of all the moedim of Elohim.



Thank you

Tom Bigbee (ex Riversidian, now Mainer)

(:-{> - God's Biggest Miracle Yet!