Marilyn Agee (14 Apr 2012)
"Arlene (11 Apr 2012) "For Marilyn....wonderful post about the barley....""

Thanks for your kind words.
I am so sorry that you had such a bad marriage. Mine was great. Things could have worked out differently for me if Ed hadn’t prayed for a Christian wife. The Lord does things right. I was planning to go to college, not expecting to marry in my senior year of High School. That took me by surprise. Therefore I didn’t pray about it.  We kept our marriage secret until I finished High School, then instead of attending classes at the Univ of Tenn, I worked in the bookstore and earned my PHT, pushed husband through. Instead of studying at UT,  a little later on I read books out of BIOLA’s Seminary Collection for 7 years. I would do it the same way again if I had to. Ed got me an electric typewriter and a sturdy desk first. Later, he got me several computers. He never complained about my studying so much. He was behind me 100% in all that I have done. A short time before he died, he said, “I am going to die, and you are going to get many rewards.” I couldn’t have done it without his support. He is the one that took me to get a Mac, and had the Apple Rep show me enough to use it immediately to write my first book.
After the 3rd book and 2 or 3 other Macs, he said, “You ought to be on the Internet, and signed me up. That was quite a challenge. I had never heard of HTML, and had to go on the Internet and search for the information I needed to start my Web site a month later. I learned just enough to do what I wanted to do. Now, with another new computer, I’m having problems with my website. Updated programs are not much like what I was used to. I’m facing another steep learning curve. Someone suggested I try Kompozer. It is a WYSIWYG HTML editor that can post to the Internet. I managed to post my HTML document with the HTML showing and the pictures missing. That might be one of a kind. I have never seen that before on the Internet. I’m still working on that problem.
Thanks for reminding me of how they winnow barley, by throwing it up in the air. That shows me why we are the barley harvest. The wise virgins are 40 omers of barley going up in the air at the Rapture. An omer is 1/10th of an ephah, which stands for the church in Zech 5. I have a girlfriend in Pensacola that calls me every evening to tell me where we will be tomorrow in the countdown. We started this countdown with Omer 1 on Easter. Ex_16:36  explains, “Now an omer is the tenth part of an ephah.” Who would have thought that was something we should know in the end times?
I wonder what Ron Reese is thinking today, April 12. He wouldn’t listen to anything about a shortened Great Tribulation before April 11.
However, Mat 24:15-22 says, “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16  Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 17  Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 18  Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. 19  And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! 20  But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 21  For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.”
I think the days of the Tribulation will be 1260, from Pentecost, May 29, 2009, to Mid-Trib, Nov 8/9, 2012, plus 1040 to the Day of God’s Wrath, Sept 14, 2015 (Dan 8:13,14). That makes the whole Tribulation 2300 days (Dan 8:13,14)
Marilyn Agee
Hi Marilyn....I had to let you know how great your post was to Mike W. There was so much great information there, and it reminded me of how you were before you began the days of your grief. The barley harvest, including the counting of the Omer, leads to Ascension day, which is represented in Acts 1:11 which was 10 days before Pentecost. You are so right about the things in your posting today! The story of Ruth and Boaz is the story of the "bride"...and it is all about the barley harvest. The barley is winnowed by throwing it into the air....but the wheat harvest, which follows the barley harvest, must go through the "tribulum" in preparation. I even tried counting the omer last year, but I'm not very good at rituals...

Here is a great link of more details on this:


I sympathize with your grief, Marilyn. But sometimes just having that grief is such a blessing because you have wonderful, treasured memories to look back on. I say this because I was not so blessed. I endured 20 years of nearly daily tears....and none of the beautiful remembrances that you have. On the day my husband died, I got down on my knees and thanked God for giving me my freedom. I should have run, not walked, and spared my children of much grief as well. They left as soon as they were of age, but they tried to spare me details of things I should have known many years before. Being with me tends to remind them of those days, so they moved far away. They should have told me, but they didn't. I found out many years later what was done. Since then, I realize the importance of the truth in all things.....but the blessing for me is that I have had so much time a! lone to study the things of the Lord. Today, I have few regrets....Romans 8:28...and we all know that one by heart, I hope.

This information is not meant to induce sympathy for me. I am a very contented woman today, and I feel I have "paid my dues" in this lifetime. I just wanted anyone reading this post to not endure a bad relationship no matter what the reason. And I also wanted you to know there are worse things than grief over losing one you love. I would much rather have the wonderful memories that you have, with the grief, than to be more content with being alone. Sometimes in life, there are things worse than death......

Agape love,
