Maria Z (7 Apr 2012)
"To Lee Ann: Your dream"

Lee Ann,
As I read the account of your dream this is what came to mind. Although your dream might still hold a special significance for you.
Regarding the word “itinerary” online dictionaries give the meaning as: “the route or proposed route of a journey; an account or record of a journey.”
This made me think of Matt Chap 24, where our Lord gives us an outline or an account of the end-times journey.  "Itinerary" could also speak of great migrations of people,  as it happened in the Dust Bowl years, due to some cataclysmic events yet to come.
The Grapes of Wrath book being in your dream made me remember the following:
On Aug 17 1991, I had a dream (with no visuals, like yours) where I heard about “a frontal attack on the U.S. by a black horse.”
I knew a black horse was mentioned in Revelation, but did not remember at the time what it symbolized, so I had to look it up.
Seeing that Rev 6:5-6 speaks of the black horse symbolizing extremely high food prices (inflation), I interpreted my dream to mean that a “frontal” attack on the U.S. possibly meant a severe famine across the land because a large number of the population would not be able to afford buying food.  This could possibly be brought on by drought, collapse of the economy and the ensuing unemployment, or even war here in the U.S.  Ever since I had this dream I have asked the Lord to have mercy on our country.
Preceding this dream in Sep 1990, I  had had several dreams about praying with people outside a grocery store, being in prayer meetings, and dreams where I felt the strong need to store groceries (something that for some reason I haven’t done yet).  Perhaps hoping we won't ever have to.
Blessings to all Doves,
Maria Z