Lou Ann (14 Apr 2012)
"Re:  Shofar blowing"

  I am writing regarding the post below from Marianna.  Yes!  I too have heard the shofar blowing recently!!  How exciting!  I didn't tell anyone however, because I didn't really thing anyone
would believe me.

  It was in January or February of this year.  I was awakened about 3:00 in the morning to the sound of a odd horn blowing.  I sat up and listened for a few minutes or more.  I had never in my
life heard anything like it but knew it was a shofar.  I thought to myself,  this is it!  I waited and then when nothing happened I laid back down and went back to sleep.  I later googled the shofar
to see if that was what I heard and it was exactly so!   I just knew it meant that the rapture was close and probably this year.  What a blessing to hear it.  I believe it was out loud.  There is nothing
around here that makes that sort of noise.

Lou Ann

Hi Doves,
I rarely write something to the fivedoves, but this is something worth telling about.
I was just coming out of the swimming pool, into the changing rooms and I heard the shofar blast several times, with all the different timings, and also still heard the radio blaring with the normal music so I thought, this is it, we're going home. I was waiting for my body to be starting to be transformed and looked at it and nothing happened.
I still kept hearing the shofar blowing. Then I thought: This is the Lord telling me it's close, it's really, really close!

Has anyone else heard that lately? I believe I heard it in the spirit because the music from the radio was totally different.

Marianna Haworth