Laurie Hane (20 Apr 2012)
"Coulby Matt 18"

Coulby,  Hope you don't mind.  Weighing in again.  This is taken from Matt. 18 and you referenced it in yesterdays post.
, "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
 Then you stated:

Why does Jesus say we need to be humble as a little child to go to heaven?
Coulby,  are you sure that the verse is saying that you have to be as humble as a child to go to heaven?  The Jews were told to repent to receive the kingdom of heaven, but the Gentiles were told to believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  John 3 also talks about the qualifications of who will see the kingdom of heaven and/or who will go in.  Humbleness is a good attribute to attain after salvation, but it does not become a prerequiste to spiritual salvation as far as I have found in the scriptures.  Do you have other verses to back that up?
One of the synonyms of "humble" is meek, which means submissive or - to take this one step further - they are poor in spirit. Jesus says in Matthew 5:3 - "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
I heard a very interesting CD on the beautitudes by John Fenn.  I have struggled with the verse Matt 5:3 for shouldn't it have said Blessed are the rich in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven?  But poor seems to have the connotation of something being deficient or lacking.  So when these verses were presented as the steps of spiritual growth outlined by Jesus to his deciples, it became much clearer.  Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  All mankind is born poor in spirit but they are so blessed because it is to them the Kingdom of heaven is offered.  Why is this stated this way....because it is not being offered, with all that this offering entails, to the angels.  Rather scripture says when God is finshed with his work with man on this earth, all will pass away and men will find themselves in a position above the angels.  All mankind is truely blessed whether they understand it or not.  And for those that begin to understand that the God of the Universe wants a relationship with them....they start this new life with "Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted."  Here comes the acknowledgement of sin.  To mourn our state means that there is conviction that can bring change.  The Father applauds this conviction but won't leave us in that state of mourning.  He works with us through confession and forgiveness- brought about by the actions of His son, and then He brings comfort.  It goes on from there.
Coulby, I am not meaning to demean those things that you have found in the scriptures.  We are all excited when the Father brings truth, but even I have to change the way I look at things at times because God deals with us precept upon precept....line upon line....none of us are at the end of the book yet so there are still alot of "lines" left to be shown.  That is why 5 doves is so facinating.  It is like we don't have time to learn it all so the Lord shows someone alittle something here, it is confirmed by another over there, and yet there is a new thought that needs research to be done on in the middle.  We are all searchers and I hope you have taken this in the spirit of the adventure we are on with the Lord.  Blessings on your continued study