K.S. Rajan (24 Apr 2012)

Christian News
PA Foreign Minister Riad al-Malki
Archive Photo / Reuters, Benoit Tessier
The Palestinian Authority is one step away from approaching international organizations unilaterally, should Israel fail to respond positively to a letter sent by PA President Mahmoud Abbas to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian Ma'an news agency reported on Sunday.
Speaking with Ma'an, PA Foreign Affairs Minister Riad al-Malki said that the Palestinians will seek consultation from other Arab nations before deciding the next step towards achieving an independent Palestinian state.
Egypt terminates gas flow to Israel, stakeholder says
Egypt on Sunday terminated a long-term gas deal with Israel, a stakeholder said, prompting Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz to express "deep concern" over what he described as a move diminishing the peace treaty between the two countries. A senior Egyptian military official was quoted as saying on Egyptian television that the gas deal was not nullified, but rather halted because of a business dispute.
Netanyahu coalition could fall apart if West Bank
neighborhood is dismantled, says Vice PM
Evacuating the Ulpana neighborhood in the West Bank settlement of Beit El could lead to the dissolution of the coalition, Vice PM Moshe Ya'alon said on Saturday.
Netanyahu struggles to find
solution to thwart Ulpana eviction
Ulpana Neighborhood
Photo / Ynet, Harel Cohen
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered his aides Saturday to devise a legal solution that will thwart the pending eviction of settlers residing in the Ulpana neighborhood, in the West Bank settlement of Beit El.
Netanyahu sets up panel to legalize state land outposts
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday set up a small ministerial panel with the authority to legalize unauthorized West Bank outposts on state land. According to the Prime Minister’s Office, the panel is designed and has the authority to legalize three outposts in the West Bank: Rechelim, Bruchin and Sansana.
'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' - April 20, 2012
How China and Middle Eastern oil powers collapsed the US stock market and major US investment banks in September 2008 … Have Obama and Netanyahu cut a deal on Iran? … Are Israel’s numerous and extensive Russian business dealings a bad omen? ... Moral collapse continues: The US government publicly embarrassed on three major fronts for the world to see … Major news expected and compressed between now and November 6, 2012