Kevin W (17 Apr 2012)
"Charles 416-4"


As watchers we truly are aliens and strangers on this planet.

When the "christians" in the church don't get it and think you are
strange or extreme then you know time is running out fast.

I find most christians in their sleepy stupor love to quote: "no-one
will know the day our the hour" to get you to stop
talking about the last days and Jesus return......secretly they hope
it is 20 years away so they can continue their love affair with the

They overlook that Jesus said you will know the season just as you
know spring is near by looking at the trees Matt24:32-33
and later.  "But you, brothers, are not in darkness, that the Day
should overtake you like a thief" 1Th 5:4

Our role as watchmen is to sound the alarm and try to wake them
up....even if they don't like it.

In the Hebrew wedding tradition the watchmen stood on the roof tops
and their job was to see the Bridegroom coming from afar
and wake the house so the Bride could be ready in time when he came in
the middle of the night to take her away.

When you know the Bridegroom is close you know the need to evangelise is urgent.

My wife and I evangelise daily with small (1.5" x 3') magnetised signs
(we make) which we stick on ATM's, petrol bowsers, public waste bins,
metal poles,
vending machines, public telephone coin boxes, etc. wherever people many would see them every day? How many can we reach in
a year?

No-one today wants to talk about JESUS so we let the signs do it for
us. (Compare this to how many people a day you can witness to)

The inspiration came from the idea that GOD must first do a work in a
persons heart to draw them to Christ....John 6:44
Our part to play is small like a seed planted.....only GOD can bring
it to life and give the increase.

Our signs are Holy Spirit inspired and all mention JESUS: e.g.
-Avoid HELL, Stop avoiding JESUS
-Highway to HELL: Reject JESUS; Stairway to Heaven: Accept JESUS
-HELL wasn't made for you, GOD's rescue plan for You, is to call out to JESUS
-ETERNAL LIFE: No death, No pain, No sorrow, No sickness. Available
only from :JESUS
-It's you choice: Heaven - accept JESUS; Hell - Do nothing

All the sleepy Christians could do when we shared this idea with them
was criticize the fact that Hell was mentioned....."we should be
focusing more on GOD's love instead"

My answer to them is....Why did JESUS warn about how to avoid hell in
Matt18:8-9, Luke 16:19-31.......
to not do so is to dilute the power of what Christ has done.

Why is the gospel GOOD NEWS?......because JESUS has rescued us from an
eternity in Hell!

They think that if the stop talking about Hell it will go
away.........sounds like the devil saying "No-one believes in me

We must never water down the gospel.......the world will hate us for
this......but in the process some might hear the truth and be saved.

Keep handing out doesn't matter if the world thinks you
are crazy.......
We are fools for the sake of Christ 1Co 4:10........when we lose our
lives for Him we will find it Matt10:39, Matt 16:25

Come soon Lord Jesus

In Him
Kevin W