Kathy (26 Apr 2011)

Hi Doves,
I’ve been a silent participant on this site for about six months now and have thoroughly enjoyed your discussions. After reading Luis V’s essay about Pentecost I felt I had to tell you about an experience I had in 2000. I read on Shavuot/Pentecost some Orthodox Jews stay up late that night reading scriptures, singing and praising the Lord and having religious discussions. I decided to do it that year because it was the turn of the century. After spending the evening doing these things I went to bed in the wee hours of the morning. Just before going to sleep I had the sensation of being sucked up into the air very fast. I looked down and saw the earth’s sphere diminishing in size below me. The next second I was lying in bed again with my mind and heart joyously exhilarated by the experience.  I have not had such an experience before or after. I don’t know when our Lord will return but I am anxiously waiting for that moment. “There are a whole lot of people going home. By the signs of times it won’t be long. In the twinkling of an eye we’ll all be gone.”