John NL (9 Apr 2012)
"The sinking of Titanic"

Dear Doves,

My attention was drawn to the sinking of Titanic which happened exactly 100 years ago, and I was struck by the symbolism of this epic drama that unfolded in just 12 days in the year of 1912.

Here is a timeline of the events (

2nd April 1912 6:00 a.m. Titanic began sea trials
3rd April 1912   Titanic arrived in Southampton
10th April 1912 9:30-11:30 a.m. Passengers arrived in Southampton and began boarding the ship.
10th April 1912 Noon The Titanic set sail and began her maiden voyage.
10th April 1912 18:30 Titanic reached Cherbourg, France and picked up more passengers
11th April 1912 11.30 am Titanic reached Queenstown, Ireland
12th, 13th April  1912   The Titanic sailed through calm waters.
14th April 1912   Throughout the day seven iceberg warnings were received
14th April 1912 11:40 p.m. Lookout Frederick Fleet spotted an iceberg dead ahead. The iceberg struck the Titanic on the starboard (right) side of her bow.
14th April 1912 11:50 p.m. Water had poured in and risen 14 feet in the front part of the ship
15th April 1912 12:00 a.m. The captain was told the ship can only stay afloat for a couple of hours. He gave the order to call for help over the radio.
15th April 1912 12:05 a.m. The orders was given to uncover the lifeboats and to get passengers and crew ready on deck. There was only room in the lifeboats for half of the estimated 2,227 on board.
15th April 1912 12:25 a.m. The lifeboats began being loaded with women and children first. The Carpathia, southeast of the Titanic by about 58 miles, picked up the distress call and began sailing to rescue passengers.
15th April 1912 12:45 a.m. The first lifeboat was safely lowered away. Although it could carry 65 people, it left with only 28 on board. The first distress rocket was fired. Eight rockets were fired the whole night.
15th April 1912 2:05 a.m. The last lifeboat left the ship. There were now over 1,500 people left on the ship. The tilt of Titanic's deck grew steeper and steeper.
15th April 1912 2.17 am The last radio message was sent. The captain announced 'Every man for himself'
15th April 1912 2:20 a.m. The Titanic's broken off stern settled back into the water, becoming more level for a few moments. Slowly it filled with water and tilted its end high into the air before sinking into the sea. People in the water slowly froze to death.

This is the cold narrative of Titanic, the 'practically unsinkable' ship as she was called, whose lifetime in 'the seas of the world' only lasted 12 days before it was deadly wounded as it hit an iceberg and sank within 3 hours. How symbolic of the course of modern society. Let's have a look at some of the details of what happened, the timeline and the symbolism that should be major warning signs for all people.

1. Titanic: a masterpiece of human achievement, a 'Tower of Babylon', destroyed during its maiden trip. This boat cannot carry the people of the world (Brits, French, Irish, Americans a.o.) through the treacherous seas.

2. While she is sailing, Titanic seems to be totally in control. The waters are calm and the people on-board enjoy their time. Particularly the first class passengers, the upper-class elite, were indulging themselves in utter luxury on-board this fabulously designed ship. Likewise, the elites of the current world seem to be in control, enjoying the riches they have piled up for themselves.

3. On the 14th of April, the Captain receives 7 iceberg warnings. This should have warned the captain to change course, slow-down, or even stop sailing. It's way too dangerous to continue course. But the Seven Warnings are ignored and the Titanic keeps going. It should be noted that the ship S.S. Carpathia, that came to the rescue of the survivors, indeed had stopped sailing earlier during the day due to the dangers en-route as is mentioned in other records of this event.

4. The Lookout (the Watchman) spots an iceberg dead ahead. It's now minutes before deadly impact, but it's too late for Titanic to change course. 

5. Between 11:40 and 11:50pm, Titanic hits the iceberg on Sunday April 14th, yet few people acknowledge the danger and most cannot believe that she will sink to her death within the next 3 hours. There is only one way to be saved: get off this ship and into a lifeboat. Sadly enough, the first lifeboats are not even used to half their capacity as most passengers cannot believe the disaster that just struck Titanic. How symbolic for the people of our day.

6. When the full consequence of the disaster dawns to the passengers between 12:45 and 2:05am on April 15th, it is too late for most: no more lifeboats left. They have another 15 minutes left to cry out to the Lord before they will cross the death river.

It's now exactly 100 years past these horrific events and our society is on the verge of breakdown. All of God's warnings of 'Seven Icebergs ahead' have been ignored, and the ship has hit its iceberg. 

Passover is celebrated this year from the evening of Friday April 6th (start of Nissan 15) thru Saturday Shabbath April 14th, the 8th day of Pesach. This also marks the exact 100 year 'anniversary' of the deadly wound that struck the Titanic. This week ahead of us may even see the start of the second phase of the financial crisis, as it now becomes crystal clear that the economy is not growing, that there is no real job growth of any significance, and that evil money printing schemes from central banks in the world have just kept the economy artificially afloat for a few more quarters.

The start of the financial crisis was marked with the fall of the Dow-Jones on the day of Rosh Hashanah, 2008. Passover 2012 may become the marker of phase two of this crisis.

As I am writing this note, it's very early Sunday April 8th in Europe. The website shows me what events are remembered in Jewish history on this second passover day:

Sodom Overturned (1714 BCE)
Manna Ends (1273 BCE)
Esther Appears Before Achashverosh (357 BCE)
Haman Hanged (357 BCE)

Dear Doves, we know that our heavenly Father is in control and that His plans will be fulfilled. He knows the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:10). The Lord is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, who will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely (Rev. 21:6).

This evil world will be destroyed like Sodom, it in fact destroys itself and unless God is going to intervene through His Messiah, the entire earth would become uninhabitable. And just as God saved Israel in the days of Hadassah (Esther), Yeshua will rapture those who belong to him before the Great Tribulation starts, and return to Jerusalem to save His people and holy place again, although they will suffer hugely during the Tribulation.

We are living in a profoundly serious timeframe of human history. Time is almost up; the Age of Grace may soon be over, Manna will stop and the Holy Spirit may soon depart from this earth leaving it in total disarray under the control of rising Antichrist. But we keep looking up.

May the Lord return soon, Hallelujah!

John NL